Wednesday, September 26, 2012

No G'maps for iOS6, Apples Descent Has Begun

When you expect to arrive at your favorite fast food restaurant but then end up at a maternity home you know something is wrong.  We all know Apple is trying to become like Big Brother and control the world like any socialist/communist would, but they just can't succeed in this.  Their latest products have only been average, and now by providing users with their own simple-don't-work maps even the hard core Apple lovers have to admit that Apple's map features suck.  We all know that if Steve were still here he would not have allowed Apple to released the maps in what seems to be beta stage.  Apple is no longer gaining fans like it once was, but rather current fans are getting disappointed.  Could this be the beginning of Apple's inevitable descent?



  1. I'm not an Apple die-hard, but I am on their phone. I haven't upgraded to iOS 6 yet though because of this. This OS upgrade was really disappointing and had nothing worth while. I don't get caught up in the android-iphone war, and I'm sure this will all get worked out. But for now, iOS 5 works for me.

  2. Definitely a gaffe on the part of Apple. I agree also: It is worth speculating about whether or not this would have happened under Steve Jobs.

  3. Wow, iOS6 is really THAT bad? It's like Apple is retrogressing! I'd have to agree, Steve Jobs is probably rolling in his grave right now because of this.

  4. I don't have an iPhone or any other type of so-called smartphone, and I have no current plans to get one, but suppose I was thinking of getting an iPhone. Let's just say that Google Maps is one of my favorite things in all of computing (and personally I'm very particular in liking Google Maps as opposed to other map services : ) ). Is the lack of Google Maps by itself a deal breaker for me? My response: you bet it is! I'm sure that my mindset seems silly to many, and that's fine, but Apple just lost itself one potential iPhone customer. ^_^

  5. Not having a good maps feature will hurt the iPhone's credibility. Getting driving directions on the go was one of the reasons I got a smart phone. Having a bad maps app would certainly turn me away from the iPhone if I was looking for a new phone right now.
