Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Family History Still For Old People

Previously family history work took a lot of time, hence old people dominated the field.  But in recent years the time needed to accomplish any family history work has greatly been diminished, though people's mindset hasn't changed much.  Sadly, the time I was most exited about doing family history work was when I was a missionary teaching weekly classes about it.  This is sad because as a full-time missionary we couldn't do family history work.  But now I can!  Yet I don't.  Why?  Well I have an aunt or two that is crazy about family history work and it's gotten to the point that I once again must spend a lot of time to find out anymore information about my ancestors.  There is still plenty of work to do like indexing, but general indexing doesn't bring the same kind of thrill as researching your own ancestors.  I know I don't stand alone here.  In my mind I can't help but thing that family history is still for old people.  Will family history ever be as thrilling to me as it has been to my aunts?

1 comment:

  1. All I think you have to do is start doing family history. Just start by sitting down and creating your own account on Don't think in terms of huge accomplishments, take baby steps. There is a lot of wisdom that can be learned from watching the classic movie, "What About Bob?".
